Duke of Scandal by Gaelen Foley

Duke of Scandal (Moonlight Square #1)Duke of Scandal by Gaelen Foley

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Series: Moonlight Square #1
Publication Date: 10/13/15

This was a quick and easy read – but – it definitely wasn’t a historical. Yes, it says it is, but all of the conversations, situations, actions, etc. were thoroughly modern. If you replaced the carriages with cars, you’d have a contemporary story. The ‘hero’ was the biggest man-ho I think I have ever read and the ‘heroine’ was such a saccharine Pollyanna that it was totally unbelievable. Strangely enough, I did still enjoy the read. I wouldn’t care to read it again, but I did enjoy it while I was reading it. Maybe because it was more lighthearted than serious.

Jason Hawthorne, the Duke of Netherford, had a lonely childhood with parents who didn’t love – or even like – each other nor did they care about him. He was raised by very well paid servants – so he grew up thinking that if you wanted someone to take care of you, then you had to pay them. Therefore – he paid for everything he wanted – including the bedroom activities. He also sired two – yes, TWO – illegitimate children. You might think one is an accident and forgive him as long as he took care of the child etc. but two isn’t forgivable. They were also by two different mothers. I will give him credit that he took care of them and regularly went to visit them, but still – you’d think that having been raised in the situation he was, that he’d be very careful not to put another child in that same situation. He is totally worthless – his one ‘useful’ thing is supporting a house full of artists – a painter, a composer, a scientist, a sculptor. He has no useful interests at all. Just a spoiled rich kid. I absolutely failed to see any reason at all why the heroine (or any other woman) would dedicate her life to loving him. I’m sure she remembered the boy he was as they were growing up, but, goodness, after eight years of his current behavior, you’d think she would see him differently. He’s always cared about his best friend’s sister – but he has avoided her for eight years. He promised her brother he wouldn’t pursue her and besides – she’s much too good for the likes of him.

Felicity Carvel has loved the boy who grew up on the neighboring estate, Jason, all of her life. He is her brother’s best friend and they spend all of their time together. She adores Jason and finally, at the age of fifteen, she decides to make her feelings known to him. He is shocked and rebuffs her – and then he avoids her for the next eight years.

Felicity’s brother is off on an expedition to the Himalayas and she desperately needs to reach him. The ONLY person who would know how to reach him is the sponsor of the expedition, Jason. Felicity has no choice but to contact Jason about sending word to her brother. When she doesn’t get answers to her letters to Jason, she shows up at his home – hoping mostly to speak with his secretary to get the information she needs. As she is close to leaving, Jason makes an appearance – very unkempt, barefoot and obviously still in yesterday’s clothes – Felicity is shocked but speaks to him. Then, she sees the two harlots peeking out from a door upstairs and promptly takes her leave.

That visit, and the reason for it, cause Jason to decide that he needs to step in and protect Felicity since her brother isn’t there. It is nice to watch Jason realize how much he cares for Felicity – and that he always has and to see them get their HEA.

I’m still debating whether I’ll read the next book or not. I am a bit intrigued by Rivenwood, so I might give that one a read, but if it feels as modern as this one, then it will be my last book in this series.

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Avid reader/reviewer of historical romance and historical mysteries.

5 thoughts on “Duke of Scandal by Gaelen Foley

    1. Yes, it is. So many authors think it doesn’t matter. To many, it may not matter, but to me it does. I read historical because I’m not the least interested in contemporary – so when they make my historical sound like a contemporary, I soon quit reading them.

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