Lord Petteril’s Folly by Mary Lancaster

Petteril's Folly (Lord Petteril Mysteries #6)

Barbara’s rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Series: Lord Petteril Mysteries #6
Publication Date: 6/28/24
Period: Regency
Number of Pages: 164

The smart, cunning, handsome, enigmatic, and quirky Lord Petteril has totally captured my heart throughout this series – as has the equally smart, beautiful, and quirky April.

Despite the huge class difference, Petteril and April are now man and wife. April isn’t concerned about how society will feel about her, but she worries about society’s reactions to the marriage and how it will affect Petteril. April’s main concern is how the servants she worked with and befriended will react to her. We get some sample reactions early on from both servants and society. Petteril’s aunt is a total stinker and I hope something happens with her – just her – personally. She needs a comeuppance of some sort and I dearly hope April is the one to give it to her. 😊

After their long, lovely, tranquil days in Portugal, they return home to find that Stewart, Petteril’s valet, has been arrested for theft. Both April and Petteril are positive Stewart didn’t commit the crime – but they are sure he knows something. Who is he protecting? Why would he risk protecting them?

The mystery had several twists and turns that kept it interesting because you are almost sure you know who did it, but not totally sure. Just know that the villain is a real nightmare and for a change, the villain gets what he deserves.

If you are looking for a quick, interesting read with lovable characters, romance, and a good mystery, you might want to try this book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Avid reader/reviewer of historical romance and historical mysteries.

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