About Barbara

500 Book Reviews

Please Note:  Barbara is not currently accepting review requests.  Thank you.

Hi, I’m Barbara and I absolutely love reading and reviewing books, it has been a life-long passion.  I’ve pulled many all-nighters because I just couldn’t put a book down.  My favorite genre is Historical Mysteries, but I’m also a great lover of Historical Romance (with the WOKE culture, Historical Romance is becoming less inviting to me).  I enjoy most historical periods up until about 1900.  I also prefer books set in Scotland, England, and Ireland.   Of course, just to be confusing – I love J. D. Robb and Janet Evanovich —  and I will also frequently throw a cozy mystery (set in my favorite locations) into the mix.

It would only be fair to point out that I like historical accuracy rather than what I call historical romance fantasy.  What I mean by that is – if you are writing in the Regency period, then make the book accurate to the period in forms of address, laws of primogeniture, chaperonage, social consequences of stepping outside the bounds, etc.   And if you do choose to flaunt those social norms, then please show the social and personal consequences of those actions.  I am NOT looking for a contemporary story in period dress.

I do have a few ‘triggers’ in my hero/heroines.  Some of those triggers are adultery, cheating, and physical abuse.  Another, more recent, trigger for me is heroines that are TSTL (too stupid to live) – those who do stupid things (because they are stubborn, etc.) and put themselves and others in danger.  I’m not a big fan of really dark themes nor am I a fan of those deeply angsty stories.  I know everyone’s definition of ‘dark’ is different, but for me, it is usually when something really bad and permanent happens to one of the main characters.  Another trigger is rape scenes.  I’m okay with mentioning it, but if a book starts describing it in detail – along with the terror, then I put the book down and don’t read any further.

While I love Historical Mysteries – I want some romance in those mysteries – and – I love a bit of mystery of some sort to solve in my romance.

I’m okay with almost any level of ‘hotness’ in a love scene.  I’m perfectly okay with books that don’t have any physical scenes in them or those that have graphic love scenes.

If you would like me to review your book, please feel free to email me at FlippinPages.Barb@gmail.com – but first, be sure to check out our Review Request Page for a list of the genres I’m willing to read and review.

In addition to this blog, I post my reviews at the locations below – as well as some others: