For a Scandalous Wager by Shannon Gilmore

For a Scandalous Wager (Breaking the Rules of the Beau Monde #1)

Barbara’s rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Series: Breaking The Rules of the Beau Monde #1
Publication Date: 6/13/24
Period: Regency London

I always enjoy this author’s works because – well – firstly because she writes a really good story with lively, wonderful characters – but secondly, because she manages to create an interesting, witty, and engrossing story that adheres to the norms of the times. This story was a delightful addition to her oeuvre. With a frazzled and put-upon Dalton Rochester and the determined and delightful Evelyn Markham, you have a match made in …

Evelyn Markham is happily into her third season with nary a bow to pique her interest. The one man who does interest her mostly ignores her, and for the moment she is good with that. She provokes him, asks him to break the rules of the Beau Monde with her, and taunts him, but leaves it at that – for the time being. You see, Dalton Rochester is her brother’s best friend – and her father hates him. Of course, everything changes – for Evelyn at least – when her father sees her brother happily wed and thinks the same thing should happen for her. OOPS! Double OOPS when he starts the betrothal process with a man she’s not met – at least not officially – and definitely doesn’t admire. Nothing wrong with him – just a dull sort of stick-in-the-mud. Her antics to avoid the betrothal – and the gentleman – are lively and entertaining – and – might I say – a tad scandalous.

What is a Lord to do? His best friend’s sister is constantly tormenting him with all manner of things – including scandalous wagers. He resists, but with that scandalous wager and the precious shilling involved, he is hard-pressed to keep her at arm’s length. Resistance, of course, is futile because he is as enamored with her as she is with him. The difference is, he realizes it cannot be and she does not. Her father hates him and he would lose his best friend if he pursued a relationship. It could never happen. Well – we’ve all learned that we should never say never.

I thoroughly enjoyed Evelyn’s antics and all she put Rochester through. Her frustration with him was palpable on every page! How could he keep ignoring her pleas for help? Surely, he had at least a small regard for her as a friend if nothing else. Then there was the plea – HELP – that he didn’t ignore. That plea and the aftermath landed them in a tangled can of worms. Could they get out of it with their reputations intact? Could they truly convince her father to let them marry? Will her father marry her off to his choice for her? Will they elope? What will her brother think?

This was a lovely read and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Avid reader/reviewer of historical romance and historical mysteries.

One thought on “For a Scandalous Wager by Shannon Gilmore

  1. Please note your review needs edits. Beau is the correct term for the love interest of a female character. Beau monde is the correct term for high society.


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