Blog Tour – Miss Isobel and the Prince by Catherine Tinley

Miss Isobel and the Prince

Isobel Prince MB cover hi res

Miss Isobel and the Prince

What happens when a sensible Cinderella meets a European prince? Find out in this sparkling romantic Regency story!

A royal distraction…

…for the debutante!

Given her meagre dowry and lack of known parents, Isobel Lennox must use her only London season to make a sensible match. So why, oh why is she dazzled by the dashing, handsome Prince Claudio? She’s not highborn enough to be his bride–and he’s certainly not ready to marry. But one mesmerizing kiss later, neither can stay away from each other!

From Harlequin Historical: Your romantic escape to the past.

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Author Bio

Catherine Tinley is a multi-award-winning writer of witty, heartwarming Regency Romance. Her first novel, Waltzing with the Earl, won the Rita(R) Award for Best Historical Romance 2018, and she has since won the 2021 RoNA award, the 2021 HOLT medallion, and the 2022 RoNA award for Best Historical Romance. She lives in Ireland with her family and can be reached via her website and on social media

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Tracy’s Review

Miss Isobel and the Prince (The Triplet Orphans, 2)Miss Isobel and the Prince by Catherine Tinley

Tracy’s rating: 3 of 5 stars

Series: The Triplet Orphans, #2

Release Date: May 21, 2024

The Lennox sisters are ready to take the ton by storm, and there is no doubt that they will as they are beautiful and well-spoken, not to mention the fact that they are identical triplets! Isobel “Izzy” Lennox is the middle sister and the most impetuous and outspoken of the three, characteristics that are on full display when she has a run in with a drunk patron at a tavern they stop at on their way to London, the man pays her an outrageous compliment and then claiming to be a prince asks for a kiss, to which Izzy firmly puts him in his place. It isn’t until weeks later at her presentation to the queen that she learns that the drunk patron was the queen’s cousin, Prince Claudio of Andernach. They seem to take an instant dislike of each other, but neither can deny the attraction they share. Izzy can’t seem to be civil to him, especially considering the wastrels he associates with, besides she has bigger issues to deal with, like finding out the truth about her parentage and finding a husband. But Izzy and the prince seem to be drawn to each other, yet just when it seems they might find their own HEA, they once again find themselves at odds. Will they find their way to each other or were they never meant to be from the start?

Prince Claudio Friedrich Ferdinand of Andernach is the third son of the ruling prince of Andernach has come to England at the behest of his father to “find” his place and to take an English bride. But after years of strict court protocol, Claudio is more interested in his newfound freedom than thought of settling down and has fallen into a fast set of men who enjoy all the benefits of being rich, single men of the ton and begins drinking, gambling, and carousing. So, his first meeting with Izzy didn’t leave the best impression, when he mistook her for a tavern wench and in his inebriated state tried to cajole a kiss. And when they met again later, they just seemed to bring out the worst in each other. It isn’t until she saves him from being trapped in what could have been a compromising situation that they finally begin to get along. But despite his attraction, he is not sure if he is ready to settle down and battle with his conscience, which leads to some self-doubt, self-pity and even feelings of despair. When he finally confronts her, words are spoken that can’t be unsaid, but can they be forgiven, or has he lost his chance at love?

I liked this story, the idea of triplets on a quest to find the truth of their parentage is so fresh and interesting that it is almost impossible not to be drawn into the series and the first book was very good, but sadly, this book didn’t really hit me. I never really connected with Izzy and Claudio, I found Izzy to be a very mercurial character who was quick to judge and slow to exonerate and at the same time, I thought that Claudio was quick to take offense and slow to learn from his mistakes. I am not sure when they fell in love, because they seemed to be fighting and purposefully cruel to each other right up to the end when the drama and the angst were cranked up. Overall, it was an OK read, but I was hoping for more advancement to their quest to learn about their parents, this book didn’t provide anything that wasn’t already revealed in the first book. This is the second book in the trilogy and could be read as a standalone title with no problems as the author provides plenty of backstory. While this book wasn’t my favorite, I am definitely looking forward to Anna’s story and hopefully getting answers to the mystery of their parents!

3 maybe 3.5 stars

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own. *

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Avid reader (and reviewer) of historical romance.

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